

Modeling of Web Reference Characteristics
摘要 Web访问特征模型建模是进行有效Web缓存管理的基础。该文根据Web访问的四个典型特征建立综合的数学模型,实现了Web访问特征建模生成器(WebGenM),实验表明模拟器能较好地模拟网络访问流的特征,而且易于使用,具有较大的灵活性,其为进一步的Web缓存和预取技术的研究提供了重要依据。 The study of Web reference characteristics model is the basis of effective management of Web caching. A synthetic model (WebGenM) is designed in terms of mathematic model established by the four Web reference characteristics in this paper. The experiment show that the model can better to simulate the characteristics of Web reference, and the model has the advantage of flexibility and can be used to provide an important basis for further improving Web caching performance and prefetching technology.
出处 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2010年第3X期1804-1806,共3页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 WEB缓存 WEB预取 齐普夫法则 时间局部性 空间局部性 Web caching Web prefetching Zipf's law temporal locality spatial locality
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