随着通信技术和互联网技术的不断融合,移动终端应用越来越广泛,与此同时安全问题正逐渐成为其众多应用推广的主要障碍。可信计算技术是有效解决移动终端安全问题的一种新思路。该文在阐述可信计算一些重要概念的基础上,对可信计算组织定义的移动可信模块(Mobile Trusted Module,MTM)的结构和特点进行了详细描述,介绍了当前增强移动平台安全的TrustZone及M-Shield技术,并且着重分析了两种可行的MTM的实现技术。最后对移动可信计算技术未来的研究方向进行了展望。
With the combining of communication technology and internet technology, the mobile devices are becoming more widespread. But the security issue has become a major obstacle of many applications. It is a creative approach to solve the security problems of mobile devices by using the trusted computing technology. In this paper, we described some important concepts of the trusted computing, and the key component of structure and characteristics of Mobile Trusted Module defined by the Trusted Computing Group in detail. Then we introduced the TrustZone and M-Shield technology of current safety mobile platform to enhance, and focused on analysis of two possible technologies of MTM implementation. Finally the future research directions of mobile trusted computing technology are also prospected.
Computer Knowledge and Technology