通过分析OFFICE AUTOMATION应用的现状,针对当前OA系统在广大中小型机关单位推广应用中遇到的问题,提出一种面向中小型机关的,轻量级的,服务于中小型单位内部使用,满足其日常管理的之需的OA系统设计和实现方案。系统基于.NET平台,以SQL2005为后台数据库,降低开发难度和成本,增强通用性;采用了AJAX技术,提高了响应速度,增强用户体验。并结合中小型机关单位实际,采用多种验证方式和策略,提高系统的安全性。
By analyzing the status of office automation applications,for the application of the current system in the organs of the problems encountered by,the paper propose a solution which is lightweight,oriented small-and medium-sized organ,meet the needs of these daily management.For reducing development effort and cost,the system is based on .NET,using SQL2005 as its database.AJAX can improve the response speed and enhance the user experience.Based on the current situation,the system improves the security of the system with multiple security authentications.
Computer Knowledge and Technology