随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,学校教学和管理的信息化发展也有长足的进步,这就要求各个环节都均衡发展,从软硬件两方面把学校建设成一流的信息管理、教育教学的平台。该文主要介绍如何利用ASP网络编程技术和SQL SERVER 2000数据库技术实现B/S模式下的网上考试,描述了网络考试系统应具备的功能和模式、试卷的自动生成以及考试模块和评分模块的编制。
Along with the fast development in computer technology,school education and management meet the needs of balance development in every link to bulid the school into a first class infomation management&education platform from software&hardware two aspects.This article mainly expounds a specific implementation of online examination in B/S mode,in accordance with ASP web programming technology and SQL SERVER 2000 database,a detailed description of the exam system's function and pattern,automatic testpaper generation and the scoring module.
Computer Knowledge and Technology