该文介绍了利用VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language)技术开发基于网页的三维漫游系统的基本原理、总体思路和实现及优化步骤。在总结系统设计的全部过程的基础上,针对系统设计中出现的难题和细节问题,该文进行了重点的介绍,提出了解决方案,并给出了实例。
This paper describes the pricinple,general idea,and steps of the development of the virtual yin ruins museum 3D navigation system based on VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language) technology.In summing up the system design of the whole process on the basis of system design for the emergence of problems and details,the paper was focused on t proposed solutions,and gives an example.
Computer Knowledge and Technology