该文对基于样图的纹理合成经典算法进行了分析,研究各个算法的优点和存在的不足。为更好实现样图纹理合成效果,提出了一种基于Wang Tile的纹理合成改进算法,算法通过将寻找最小误差路径的方法应用于三角形纹理块上,使得能在不同颜色的四个三角形纹理块与填充纹理块之间找到最佳替换路径。实验证明所合成的纹理效果图解决了接缝等问题,提高了纹理合成质量。
This paper analyzed the texture synthesis’s classical algorithms based on sample,and study the advantages and shortcomings of each algorithm.In order to realize better results,texture synthesis,proposed improved Texture Synthesis based on Wang Tile,algorithm will look for the smallest error path method is applied to the triangle on the texture block,making four triangles in different colorstexture block and find the best replacement path filling texture.Texture synthesis by the experimental proof of the resolve of the joints and other is sues,improve the quality of the texture synthesis.
Computer Knowledge and Technology