为提高IEEE 802.11 DCF的性能,该文在现有协议的基础上,该文推导了根据网络中竞争信道的节点数,计算最小竞争窗口的新的最佳值的简单公式。并给出了根据信道竞争信道节点数来动态调整最小竞争窗口的最佳值的自适应算法。该文通过数据成功发送概率和饱和吞吐量等度量来衡量新协议的性能,并利用Markov链PPT-DCF进行数学建模和理论分析,数学分析结果表明,当网络规模发生变化时,新机制在性能上明显优于IEEE802.11。
Wireless Sensor Network is a special multi-hop network without a centralized administration.This new mechanism is evaluated by the Packet dropping probability and the saturation throughput.A Markov chain model is used in this work,to ana lyze and evaluate the performance of the new mechanism in the basic access method.Our mathematical analyses demonstrate that,when the network size varies,the new performs much better than the IEEE802.11 does.
Computer Knowledge and Technology