Minitab工具是统计工具的软件包,是质量管理和六西格玛实施的工具,更是持续质量改进的软件。该文旨在通过Minitab 15工具以笔者所在生产线数据为例,逐步分析卷烟制丝生产线数据,并从相关图表中读懂数据呈现出来的结论,进而为广大的质量分析员提供分析思路。
Minitab software tools are statistical tools, Six Sigma is a quality management and implementation tool, but is a continuous quality improvement of the software. This paper aims to Minitab 15 instruments to the author of the production line data,for example, stepwise analysis of cigarette silk production line data and read data from the relevant chart presentation of the conclusions, and thus the quality of the majority of analysts provide analytical thinking.
Computer Knowledge and Technology