移动Ad Hoc网络(MANET)是一种无中心节点且具有路由和转发功能的临时自组性网络。以其组网灵活、快捷、不需要预设网络基础设施,完全分布式等特点,在军用和紧急救援等特殊环境的应用前景非常广阔。而移动自组网络路由技术面临着拓扑结构动态变化、存在单向信道、有限的无线传输带宽以及移动终端能力的局限性等一系列挑战,因此对移动自组网络路由协议的研究显得尤为重要。该文利用OPNET网络仿真平台,根据电台信道接入方式的原理,构建TDMA进程模型,从而建立了Ad Hoc网络节点的仿真模型。通过仿真实验,对DSR和AODV两种典型的路由协议进行了横向比较分析,得出了两种协议的适用性定量结果和彼此间的差别。
Mobile Ad Hoc network(MANET) is a routing and forwarding function of temporary group network,which formed of a lot of wireless hosts and based on non-concentrating infrastructure.It will be widely used in critical environment such as military or civilian emergency operations because it has many advantages such as it yarely,quickly and absolutely distributed etc.MANET routing protocol has to deal with the dynamic topology,unidirectional link,limited wireless bandwidth and capabilityconstrained of mobile nodes,etc.So,the MANET routing protocol must play a more important role than others.In this paper,we set up the Ad Hoc network simulation model which based on the TDMA access in the OPNET network simulation plat form.According to simulation experiments,we investigate the performance of two typical routing protocols(Ad Hoc on De mand Distance Vector and Dynamic Source Routing) and acquire quantitative measurement results.
Computer Knowledge and Technology