文章介绍了RTP、RTCP等网络传输协议。对网络视频传输的各种控制方式进行了阐述,分析了影响制约视频传输的主要因素,丢包率、延时和延时抖动是对流媒体传输质量的主要评价指标。通过研究,引进了一种自适应视频码率调节方式,本方法对传统的视频传输控制方法AIMD(Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease,和式增加,积式减少)方式进行了改进,减少了由于AIMD调节过程中产生的视频的剧烈抖动,保证了视频传输过程的稳定性和连续性。并且在客户端采用了双缓冲技术,可以降低视频传输的抖动影响,减少了视频传输中画面的停顿和闪动,保证了视频播放的流畅性,提高了用户体验。最后运用Java语言的JMF(Java Media Framework)技术,对上述方法进行了编程实现,实现了在Java下的视频自适应传输,通过实际测试,此方案在画质和丢包率方面得到了明显的改善。
The network transmissionprotocolof RTP and RTCP is introduced in this paper.A variety of network video transmission control methods are described. Packet loss rate, delay and delay jitter is the quality of streaming media transmission main index. An adaptive video adjusting method which is the improved of the traditional AIMD, and the buffering method is used in the client. Through the above two methods, the video is more affluent. Video codec and adaptive transmission is achieved by the language of Java. Theframesquality and the lost of packet is improved obviously by testing through the improvementmethod.The method for the mobile phone platform surveillance video transmission with high practical value.
Computer Knowledge and Technology