
基于UML的图书馆OPAC系统的分析与设计 被引量:1

Analysis and Design of Library OPAC System Based on UML
摘要 为了高效地开发图书馆OPAC系统,将UML建模技术应用于OPAC系统的分析和设计中。首先提出了基于系统原型的UML系统分析和设计方法,其次通过用例建模、类建模、活动建模、交互建模和状态建模分析了系统的静态结构和动态行为,最后通过架构设计、用例包设计、类包设计、构件设计、部署设计设计了系统的技术解决方案并完成了业务模型到技术模型的映射。项目结果分析和成功实施表明提出的系统分析和设计方法是开发图书馆OPAC系统的一个有效的解决方案。 In order to efficiently develop a library OPAC system, unified modeling language(UML) technology is applied to the analysis and design of the system. A UML system analysis and design method based on system prototype is proposed at firs,then use case modeling, class modeling, activity modeling, interaction modeling and status modeling are applied to analyze static structure and dynamics of the system, and large frame design, use case packet design, class packet design, component design and deploy design are applied to design the technical solution to implement the system and complete the mapping from operation model to technique model.The analysis of results of the project and successful implementation of the system demonstrate that the proposed method can analyze and design the library OPAC system in effective technical solutions.
作者 陈连和
出处 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2014年第2X期970-977,共8页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
基金 福建省教育厅科技项目"图书馆公共目录检索系统的设计与实现"(项目编号:JB11312)研究成果之一
关键词 OPAC系统 系统原型 UML建模 系统分析 系统设计 OPAC system system prototype UML modeling system analysis system design
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