

The Application Prospect and the Security Issues of Cloud Computing
摘要 云计算作为一种强大的网络应用模式,具有超大规模、虚拟化、可靠安全等独特功效。旨在通过网络把若干个成本相对低的计算实体整合成一个具有强大计算能力的超级系统进而减少用户终端的处理负担。该文从云计算的概念入手,对云计算的特点、应用前景及面临的安全问题进行了介绍。 Cloud computing is a powerful network application mode, has a very large scale, virtualization, reliable safety unique effect. Through the calculation of several network entities at relatively low cost integrated into a powerful computing capability and reduce the processing burden of the super system of user terminal. Starting from the concept of cloud computing, characteristics of cloud computing, the application prospects and the security problems are introduced.
作者 廖坚
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2014年第3X期1874-1875,共2页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 云计算 虚拟化技术 安全性 cloud computing,virtualization technology safety
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