

And Preliminary Practice of Garment Virtual Try on System Based on WEB
摘要 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,网络购物日益普及,在网购衣服时不能实现在线试穿,以及服装尺码是否合身无法准确判断的问题日益凸显,服装虚拟试穿系统将会很好的解决这一问题。文章介绍了一种基于web的服装虚拟试穿系统的设计思路及关键技术,并进行了实践,该系统提高了服装网购的用户体验效果。 With the rapid development of computer technology, the growing popularity of online shopping, online try can not be achieved in the online shopping clothes, and the clothing fit can not accurately determine the issue has become increasingly prominent, clothing virtual try on system will solve the problem very well. This paper introduces a design idea and key technology of virtual apparel fitting system based on Web, and conducts the practice, the system improves the apparel online shopping user experience.
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2014年第3X期1930-1931,1933,共3页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
基金 2012年国家级大学生创新创业计划项目(201210564188)
关键词 WEB 服装虚拟试穿 建模 Web fashion virtual try on Modeling
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