
基于云计算的教育资源共享平台的研究 被引量:6

Research on Educational Resource Sharing Platform based on Cloud Computing
摘要 随着云计算技术快速发展并不断融入教育领域,教育云的研究成为眼下教育信息化的研究热点。高校的各类信息系统齐全,但相互独立各自为政,因此需要建立资源共享中心和数据交换中心,使得高校里的各种资源发挥更高的效用。该文结合云计算特征,在高校教育资源共享方面进行了一些探索,提出一种教育资源的云共享模式,同时共享模式能支撑高校的实验教学和科研活动所需资源,并以实现交互式教、学、研一体化为最终目标。 With the rapid development of cloud computing technology and continuous integration in the field of education, the research of educational cloud has become a hot spot in the current educational informationization. All kinds of colleges and universities information system is complete, but independent, fragmented. Therefore, it is necessary establish the resources sharing center and data exchange center, the colleges and universities of all kinds of resources to play a higher utility. In this paper, the characteristics of cloud computing, in the university education resources sharing, a number of exploration, proposed a cloud sharing model of educational resources, while sharing model to support the experimental teaching and scientific research activities of the University, and to achieve interactive teaching, learning, research and integration as the ultimate goal.
作者 郭炜杰 彭慧
机构地区 浙江理工大学
出处 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2015年第10X期103-104,共2页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 教育信息化 教育资源 云共享 education information educational resources cloud sharing
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