通用对话框《Common Dialog》控件提供诸如打开和保存文件、设置打印选项、选择颜色和字体等操作的一组标准对话框。运行Windows帮助引擎时,控件还能够显示帮助我们介绍了《Visual Basic程序设计》的通用对话框《Common Dialog》控件的基本属性和案例来详细讨论他的使用。
The common dialog box "Common Dialog" provides a set of standard dialog boxes, such as opening and saving files,setting print options, selecting colors, and fonts. Run the windows help engine, the control is also able to display help us to introduce the basic properties and case of the visual basic program design "the common dialog box controls the common dialog" to discuss in detail the use of his.
Computer Knowledge and Technology