分布式数据库在性能、扩展性和可用性上有许多优点,构建分布式数据库要解决数据一致、位置透明和负载均衡等问题。针对构建分布式My SQL数据库系统的应用场景,利用My SQL复制构建了一主多从的数据库集群,提供了解决主从数据一致的方法,设计了一种基于Ice的分布式数据库中间件,实现了数据库访问服务的位置透明,利用Ice Grid特性实现了数据库访问的负载均衡,具有良好的扩展性和可用性,提高了开发效率。
Distributed database system has many advantages on the performance, scalability and availability, while it also has problems such as data consistency, location transparency and load balancing to be solved. A middleware which based on ICE has been designed, using Ice Grid features for database access load balancing and distribution services and using My SQL replication mechanism for data consistency. The distributed database cluster within one-master-multi-slave architect and Ice middleware implemented the location transparency and load balancing. The experimental data shows that, the distributed database architecture has good scalability and availability, significantly improved the development efficiency.
Computer Knowledge and Technology