该文将外部的电源接入到氙灯的电源模块,使电源模块瞬间产生高电压,并将其输入氙灯中,利用高压击穿氙气来点亮氙灯。通过介绍系统电路的设计原理,运用Solid Works的Flow Simulation插件仿真机箱中热流体流动的轨迹,根据仿真结果设计了系统散热方案,使系统关键点的温度以及整体振动在设备要求的范围内。该系统功率大、性能优越,能为内窥镜系统提供充足、稳定的光源。
This article connected the xenon lamp module with the external power source, let the xenon lamp module generated a high voltage immediately, then send the high voltage to the xenon lamp, using the high voltage to breakdown the xenon and light the xenon lamp at the end. There we introduced the design theory of the electrical system and use the Flow Simulation package of the Solidworks to simulat the track of the air flow in the case, due to the simulation results we design a good plan to rejection of heat, make sure that some of the important points' temperature are in the control of the equipment's requirement. This system has a big power and it still has a balanced performance, it can provided a sufficient and steady light source for the endoscope system.
Computer Knowledge and Technology