

Analysis of Campus Cloud Security Status
摘要 随着信息技术的快速发展,各高校为了更好地支撑教学、科研和管理,先后建设完成云计算平台。云计算作为一种全新的服务模式,其特点决定着它相比较传统的模式将面临很多新的安全风险,这些新的安全风险制约着云计算的发展,以及云计算平台服务的高效性和可靠性,但是这些问题不能使用传统的安全策略解决。介绍了云计算环境下面临的主要威胁,以及为了应对各种安全威胁,应采取的安全策略。 With the rapid development of information technology, in order to support teaching, research and management, most of the universities have already built cloud computing platforms. As a new service model, cloud computing platform's characteristics determine that it will face a lot of new security risks which will restrict the development of cloud computing, as well as it's efficiency and reliability. However, these new risks cannot be solved by the traditional security policies. This paper introduced the main threatens faced by the cloud computing and the security policies should be taken in order to solve these problems.
作者 窦夏阳
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2016年第10X期13-14,19,共3页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 高校 云计算 安全现状 安全威胁 安全策略 cloud computing security status safety threats security policies
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