目前,在我国医学高职高专院校的教学过程中,存在着诸如教学模具不足、实物标本稀缺、实验器材昂贵以及医学实验操作存在风险等问题,使得医学高职高专院校的实验教学效果难以达到预期。为了解决上述问题,基于WebGL技术设计并实现符合我国医学高职高专院校教育教学需要的医学虚拟实验室系统。基于Web GL技术的医学虚拟实验室系统的实施必将在提高医学教育技术、改善教学实验环境和优化教学过程、培养具有创新意识和创新能力的人才以及减少教学成本等方面发挥重要作用。
At present, there are some problems such as insufficient teaching mold, scarcity of physical specimens, expensive experimental equipment and medical experimental operation risks and other issues in the teaching process of medical higher vocational colleges in our country, which makes the experimental teaching effect of medical higher vocational colleges difficult to reach expected. In order to solve the above problems, the medical virtual laboratory system Based on WebGL technology is designed and implemented in line with the needs of medical vocational education in China.The implementation of medical virtual laboratory system Based on WebGL technology will play an important role in improving medical education technology, improving teaching experiment environment and optimizing teaching process, cultivating talents with innovative consciousness and innovation ability and reducing teaching cost.
Computer Knowledge and Technology