该文采用Spring+Struts2+Mybatis技术设计并实现了网上评教系统,分析了学生网上评教系统的功能,阐述了模块的具体实现,以及具体技术Spring对容器的管理,Struts接受页面请求传递参数到后台,Mybatis传递数据到数据库,Easy UI搭建后端页面,Java Script前端页面动态效果,每个技术在相应的模块中起到关键作用。
The design and implementation of the system and its testing technology are Spring+Struts2+Mybatis+juint.This paper analyzes the student online evaluation function module of teaching system,and expounds the specific content management module,and the specific technology of spring container,struts page request transmission parameters to the background,Mybatis transfers data to the database,easy UI builds back pages,and JS front page dynamic effects.
Computer Knowledge and Technology