

Fluid-solid Interaction Simulation Based on SPH Method
摘要 针对流体仿真中边界粒子穿透现象造成的失真,本文采用一种虚拟边界粒子的方法来解决这个常见问题。所构建的模型对流体和固体统一用粒子来表示。由于网格法在表现流体运动的局限性与计算效率上的不足,因此采用SPH(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics)方法对流体、固体粒子的各种属性进行统一计算。最后通过仿真模拟验证了该方法的有效性。 Previous algorithms for modeling fluid may cause a penetration distortion at the boundary. In order to solve these problems, this study presented a method using virtual boundary particles.As a result a particle-based single-way coupling algorithm was proposed Based on the uniform particle representation of fluid and solid.Because of the limitations of fluid motion simulation and the lack of computational efficiency in mesh method, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics(SPH) method was used to discrete the forces acting on fluid and solid.Experimental results show that the algorithm efficiently handled the coupling simulation.
作者 郭琳
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2018年第9X期261-264,共4页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 SPH 流体仿真 液固交互 smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH) fluid modeling solid-fluid interaction
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