目的 探讨二维超声及彩色多普勒能量图 (CDE)对直径小于 3cm的低回声型肝小血管瘤 (简称SHCH)的诊断价值。方法 应用二维超声和CDE对 37例 (43个病灶 )SHCH进行检查。结果 SHCH的二维声像图主要表现为 :边界清晰、边缘回声增强、内部呈均匀的网络状或管道样结构 ;CDE表现 :SHCH周围显示环绕状 4 8.8% (2 1/43)及爪形 34.9% (15 /43)的连续性静脉血流 ,“静脉血流延伸”征占 6 0 .5 % (2 6 /43) ,病灶内显示 1~ 3个散点或短棒状彩色血流 ,脉冲多普勒检测为连续性静脉血流 ,动脉血流显示率仅 2 .3% (1/43)。本组诊断符合率为 95 .3% (41/43)。结论 二维超声结合CDE在SHCH诊断和鉴别诊断上有较大的应用价值。
Objective To evaluate the significance of two dimensional Ultrasound and color Doppler Power Imaging (CDE) in diagnosis of the Small Hepatic Hemangioma with Hypoechoic Pattern (SHCH) for the diameter less than 3cm.Methods Thirty seven cases (forty three focuses ) with SHCH were detected with two dimensional and color Doppler Power Imaging.Results The mostly sonographic manifestation of SHCH: distinct or enhanced margin, internal network or duct like structure with homogeneous echogenicity. In CDE, SHCH demonstrated rich peritumoral blood flow. Inserting venous blood flow sign account for 60.5%(26/43). SHCH demonstrated poor intratumoral blood flow. Most of them were venous blood flow. Only one of them was arterial blood flow. 41 cases (95.3%) of them were proved to be accurately diagnosed by echo.Conclusion Two dimensional Ultrasound and Color Doppler Energy are very useful in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of SHCH.
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology