以德治国与社会稳定有着极为密切的关系。为了改革和社会主义现代化建设的顺利进行 ,我们必须维护社会的稳定。社会稳定不仅需要法治 ,而且也离不开德治。今年年初以江泽民为核心的党中央提出了“以德治国”的重要治国方略 ,这对维持社会的稳定将产生深远的影响。本文力求阐明以德治国在维护当代中国社会稳定中的地位和功能 ,旨在从理论和实践的结合上探讨把社会稳定问题进一步纳入国家道德控制的机制。
Governing with moral has close relationship with social stability.In order to make the reform and the construction of socialist modernization conduct successfully,we should safeguard social stability.Social stability not only need 'rule by law',but aslo need 'governing with morals'.At the beginning of this year,the CCCPC whose core is Jiang Zemin presents the important strategy of 'governing with morals',which has an profund influence on the social stability.The paper tries to illustrate the status and functions of 'governing with morals' that play the role in Chinese social stability and explore how to incorporate the question of social stability in the mechanism of moral control of nation from the combination of theory and practice.
Academia Bimestris