目的 :研究CA12 5及其半衰期监测进展期卵巢癌疗效及预后的应用价值。方法 :采用化学发光法测定 45例Ⅲ、Ⅳ期原发卵巢癌患者血浆CA12 5水平并计算CA12 5半衰期。结果 :45例患者治疗前血浆CA12 5水平均高于正常 ;采用单因素生存率时序检验 (Logranktest)分析表明 ,第 3次化疗后CA12 5水平、CA12 5半衰期及手术后残留灶大小、FIGO分期对预后有影响 (P值分别为 0 0 0 10、0 0 0 0 0、0 0 0 0 2、0 0 3 85 ) ;运用Cox风险回归模型进行多因素分析表明 :CA12 5半衰期对进展期卵巢癌患者有独立的预后价值 (χ2 =6 2 73 4,P =0 0 12 3 )。结论 :化疗早期CA12 5水平及其半衰期对进展期卵巢癌患者的预后评定有价值 ,检测该指标可及时发现耐药或复发 ,可及时给予相应的治疗措施。
Objective:To evaluate the value of serum CA125 and its half-life as a marker in monitoring the response to treatment and prognosis of advanced ovarian cancer.Method:Automated chemiluminescence system was used to detect the levels of serum CA125 in 45 stages Ⅲ and Ⅳ primary ovarian cancer patients.Result:①Pretreatment serum CA125 levels in 45 advanced ovarian cancer patients were significantly higher-than 35u/ml.②Univariate analysis shows statistical significance for survival for the following investigated variables:serum CA125 levels after the third cycle of chemotherapy?CA125 half-life and residual disease?FIGO stage(P=0 0010?0 0000?0 0002?0 0385,respectively).③In a survival analysis using the Cox proportional CA125 half-life calculation showed an independent prognostic significant(χ 2=6 2734,P=0 0123).Conclusion:This suggested CA125 levels of the early period of chemotherapy and serum half-life had earlier and more reliable value.If used clinically,it may help to find drug resitance or recurrence in time so as to take corresponding treating measures early.
Journal of Jiangsu Clinical Medicine