GPS同步时钟以其高精度的优点在电力系统中获得了广泛的应用,IRIG-B码格式和Motorola M12格式就是常用的两种GPS格式。本文针对WGL-800微机保护实验平台只能接收M12型GPS校时信号的缺点,利用MSP430型单片机设计了从B码格式到M12格式的校时转换实验接口装置,以提高实验平台的校时性能,并利用预输出技术有效地保证了同步秒脉冲的输出同步精度。实验的测试结果表明所设计的转换器能很好的提取IRIG-B码信号中时间信息并转换为M12格式进行输出。
GPS synchronous clock with high precision is used widely in power system and the IRIG-B code and the M12 code are the two general codes in GPS system.As for the shortcoming of the WGL-800 microprocessor relay experiment platform that can only receive the M12 GPS singal,a code format converter from B-code to M12 is designed with MSP430 microchip is designed to improve the synchronizing time performance of the platform.The high accuracy of the pulse per second is assured with the pre-output technology.The test results suggest that the converter can extract time information from IRIG-B code and send the time information with the M12 code.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education