①目的 探索一种较为理想的根除幽门螺杆菌 (Hp)感染的治疗方案。 ②方法 将 90例Hp阳性的消化性溃疡病人随机分为A ,B组。A组 (45例 )给予兰索拉唑 30mg ,每日 1次 ;呋喃唑酮 10 0mg ,阿莫西林 10 0 0mg ,每日 2次治疗。B组 (45例 )给予兰索拉唑 30mg ,每日 1次 ;克拉霉素 2 5 0mg ,阿莫西林 10 0 0mg ,每日 2次治疗。两组疗程均为 1周 ,之后停用抗生素 ,继续应用兰索拉唑至 4周结束。两组分别于治疗结束后 4周、1年复查胃镜。③结果 治疗结束后 4周 ,两组Hp根除率分别为 91.1% ,93.3% ,溃疡愈合率分别为 93.3% ,95 .6 % ,两组比较差异无显著性 (χ2 =0 .0 3,0 .0 4 ,P >0 .0 5 )。 1年后A ,B组溃疡复发率均为 8.9% ,Hp阳性率分别是 11.1% ,8.9% ,两组比较差异无显著性 (χ2 =0 ,0 .12 ,P >0 .0 5 )。 90例病人经治疗后Hp根除者 83例 ,未根除者 7例 ,随访1年Hp根除者溃疡复发率为 3.6 % ,Hp未根除者溃疡复发率为 71.4 % ,二者比较差异有显著性 (P =0 .0 0 0 0 2 5 )。A组方案治疗费用比B组方案降低 5 5 .9% .④结论 兰索拉唑、呋喃唑酮、阿莫西林所组成的短程三联疗法具有疗效高、耐受性好、费用低等优点 ,是一种较理想的Hp根治方案 ,值得进一步推广应用。
Objective\ To explore an optimal plan for eradication of Helicobacter pylori(HP) infection. \ Methods\ 90 patients with HP positive peptic ulcer were randomly divided into two groups. Group A ( n =45) was treated with lansoprazole 30 mg daily; furazolidone 100 mg and amoxicillin 1 000 mg twice a day respectively. Group B ( n =45) was treated with lansoprazole 30 mg daily, clarithromycin 250 mg and amoxicillin 1 000 mg twice a day respectively. The antibiotics discontinued one week later and then lansoprazole 30mg daily was given for both groups for four weeks. A follow up gastroscopy was done four weeks and one year for both groups after the completion of treatment. \ Results\ The HP eradication rate was 91.1% , 93.3% and ulcer healing rate were 93.3%, 95.6%, for Groups A and B respectively. The difference was not significant( χ 2 =0.03, 0.04, P > 0.05 ). 12 months after the treatment, the rate of ulcer recurrence and HP positive rate were 8.9%, 8.9% and 11.1%, 8.9% in groups A and B respectively. The difference was not significant( χ 2=0, 0.12, P >0.05). The eradication of HP was achieved in 83 patients and failed in 7 patients. One year follow up showed that the recurrence rate of ulcer was 3.6% for HP eradicated patients and 71.4% for the un eradicated. There was significant difference between them ( P =0.000 025) .The Group A cost 55.9% less than the Group B.\ Conclusion\ Short term triple therapy with lansoprazole, furazolidone and amoxicillin is a highly effective, well tolerated and low cost treatment for eradication of HP infection. It is an ideal treatment and worth to be used for peptic ulcer.
Medical Journal of Qilu