牛的猝死症 (Sudden Death Syndrome)呈零星散发 ,有一定的区域性 ,春、秋季节阴雨天多发 ,发病急 ,死亡快。各种年龄的牛均可发病 ,但以青壮年牛发病较多。近年来普遍认为牛的猝死症是由魏氏梭菌引起。病理剖检变化以组织广泛性出血为特征 ,目前尚无有效的治疗方法 ,用菌苗进行预防 ,可以起到良好的预防效果。
Cattle Sudden Death Syndrome is a sporadic disease which in special area and on overcast and rainy day in spring or autumn . cattle is always sudden falling ill and sudden dead at any life-stages , but the youth easily get it.In recent years, most people considered that disease is caused by Clostridium welchi. The characteristic change of pathology dissection was tissue bleed in wide range. There are no good methods to cure this disease and injection vaccine has a good effect to prevent this disease.
Journal of Yellow Cattle Science