通过对渭北地区不同类型林农复合立体经营模式的生态效益、经济效益、社会效益分析表明 ,林农复合生态系统立体经营模式能够充分利用土地、空间、光能、时间和物种资源 ,不仅对渭北地区严重的水土流失状况有较好的生态改良作用 ,而且能产生较好的经济和社会效益。
Through ecological, economical and sociological benefits analysis on different stereoscopic management models of forest-agricultural complex ecosystem in the north loess plateau of wei river, it shows that the stereoscopic management models can make full use of land, space, sunlight, time and species resources. This can not only have a good ecological improvement for the serious situation of soil and water loss in this area, but also bring about great economical and sociological benefits. In addition, the proposed stereoscopic management models in this paper can provide a good reference for the choosing of suitable management ways in the north part of wei river.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica