本研究结果表明 :①花生感病的小粒种子与大田常用种子和精选大粒种子比较 ,田间病毒病株率增加4 0 .4 9%和 4 9.92 % ,产量降低 36 .0 8%和 4 4 .6 5 %。感病单株的株高、结果数、百果重和单株生产力等农艺性状均明显降低 ;②防治花生病毒病主要采用精选优良大粒无病种子做种 ,适期播种 ,增施磷肥和钾肥 ,早期消灭蚜虫等技术措施。
The research showed that ①Compared with big choice seeds and normally used seeds, diseased plant rate of small affected seeds increase separately 40.49% and 49.12%,yield decreased 36.45% and 44.65%; Agro-characters of affected plant including height, fruit number, hundred-fruit weight and productive forces et.al were all lower. ②To control peanut virus disease ,methods can be adopted as follows: choice fine big seeds without disease to plant, begin sowing in good time, apply more P and K fertilizers wipe out aphis in early time.
Journal of Laiyang Agricultural College