文章分析了当前我国南方麦区小麦生产存在的问题和解决这些问题的可能方法。近二十年来 ,中国南方麦区小麦生产的发展落后于北方麦区 ,主要原因是育成的小麦新品种和北方麦区相比 ,表现为品质差、产量低和抗病性丧失快。本文批驳了南方麦区可以不种小麦的观点 ,指出在农业结构调整中 ,小麦生产仍然是重要的内容。南方小麦的品质差的主要原因不是气候因素 ,而是没有与南方生态条件相适应的优质品种。文中提出了培育南方麦区优质小麦品种的策略。本文指出 ,根据南方麦区的气候和生态特点 ,认真研究适应南方麦区的优质高产抗病小麦新品种和高效栽培的方法 。
There are three different ecological zones in south China area for wheat production,i.e. the wheat zones of South west China, Middle lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and South China. Above 9 5 millions ha. wheat are sown every year in this area and the wheat output is very important composition in total foodstuff for the people in south China area. All the three zones are located in subtropical area and the wheat production in these zones has a lower yield, more poor quality, and more serious diseases than those in north China area. In this paper the new approach and methods of wheat breeding were discussed for good quality and high economical benefit of wheat production in south China area.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University