'Yan Ji' is a method which was employed to calculate the superior epoch (Shang Yuan) during the Tang and Song Dynasties. This method is narrated in detail in Qin Jiushao's Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art. According to Qin's 'Yan Ji formula', there are only three congruence expressions that we have to solve one by one, but many scholars hold that all of the items in calendars which concern with the superior epoch should participate in the calculation. So under normal conditions we must settle ten congruence expressions. In this paper, we give two limits of remainders and the result first, and then elaborate our reason. On the basis of these prerequisite conditions, we demonstrate some examples of the calculation of the superior epoch in the Mingtain Calendar and On the Shoushi Calendar by Qin's method. The result shows, in most cases, that with these three congruence expressions we have no choice but to accept the superior epoch given by the calendar-makers. That means there is no chance for the other items to have a hand in the calculation of 'Yan Ji Shang Yuan'.
Studies in The History of Natural Sciences
Yan Ji Shang Yuan, congruence expression, calendar