本文以贯彻江泽民总书记“三个代表”的重要思想为指导 ,从确立道德信念与树立正确人生价值观 ,提高道德认识与强化宗旨意识 ,锻炼道德意志与增强工作动力 ,培养道德习惯与加强自身修养几个方面 ,阐述了通过加强道德自律体现党的先进性的途径 ,兼论了加强道德自律与体现党的先进性的内在联系。
Directed by “Three Representatives” of our general secretary JIANG Ze min, this article discusses how to form moral belief and the right sense of value, improve moral understanding, strengthen the sense of aim, temper the moral will, improve the motivation of work, develop moral habits and self accomplishment.Based on the discussion, this paper expounds that strengthening moral self discipline is an important means of embodying the advancement of our Party and out the inner relationship between them.
Journal of Shiyan Technical Institute