以五种不同的接种方法,在感病的杨树植株上,接种杨树溃疡病菌(Dothiorella gregaria Sacc.)的试验结果表明,烫伤法和伤皮法均能诱致发病,两者在接种发病率、病斑扩展的速度、范围等方面无显著性差异。后者由于比较接近自然状况,创伤范围,接种菌量相对一致,便于比较。
Dothiorella gregaria Sacc. was inoculated to susceptible poplar trees with five different methods. The results indicated that only two (burning and boring-bark) methods were successful. No significant difference was noted between them in respect to expanding of the canker. But, the boring-bark method was closer to the natural condition than the burning bark one