Soil and water samples were collected from forest stands, tree nurserics,orchards and crop fields in different parts of Yunnan from 1975 to 1976. Gaschromatography analysis was used to detect the residues of BHC and DDTwhich had been frequently applied in these soils.It was found that there wasa positive correlation between the quantity of pesticide used and that of theresidue. Residue accumulated most in areas where the pesticide was used mostintensively. Speed of degradation in soil varies among different isomers of BHC:γ-BHCis the fastest,α-BHC intermediate,and δ-BHC and B-BHC the slowest. If γ-BHC is used as a pesticide to replace the industrial BHC,residue insoil would be reduced by 90%. Residue of pesticides varied with met-hods of application.