寄生在杨属(Populus)树种上的栅锈菌属(Melampsora)锈菌,不同的菌种其夏孢子的形态特征有明显的差异,可以作为分种的依据。本试验利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,对我国各种杨树上Melampsora锈菌夏孢子和侧丝的形态特征做了比较观察,并根据这些形态特征来鉴定我国杨属树种上寄生的Melampsora锈菌的种类,还对一些菌种寄生的范围做了调查。 我国杨属树种上寄生的Melampsora锈菌经鉴定的有7种,即:M.magnusianaWagn.;M.laricis Hart(=M.larici-tremulae Kleb.);M.abietis-canadensis (Farl)Ludw.;M.pruinosae Tranz.;M.larici-populinaKleb.;M.allii一populina Kleb.;M.occidentalis Jack.。其中M.abietis-canadensis(Farl)ludw和M.occidentalis Jack.在我国是首次报道。M.larici-populina Kleb和M.allii-populina Kleb绝大多数夏孢子头部光滑无刺,但少数孢子头部有小刺,这一点与国内外的报道不同。
Morphological characteristics shown by the uredospores of different species of poplar rusts (Melanopsora) are easily distinguishable.Based on these characteristics was constructed a key for identification of the seven species known to infect the poplar trees in China. Descriptions of the species were also given. The species are: M. magnusiana Wagn. ; M. M. laricis Hart. (=M. larici - tremulae kleb. ) ; M, abietis-canadensis(Farl. ) Ludw.; M. pruinosae Tranz.; M, larici-popul ina kleb,; M. alli-populina Kleb.;M. occidentalis Jack.; among which, M. abietis-canadensis and M. occidentalis are new records in China. Specific names of the host trees were also listed, range of the host for some species was recorded. Characteristics of the uredospores of the 7 species described were illustrated by optical, phase-contrast and scanning electronic micro-photographs.To test the host range, M. pruinosae was artificially inoculated into Populus tomentosa. It was found that it could be infected by this rust in the nursery but not under natural conditions.