激励电缆(driving cable又译驱动电缆)是接有激励电源的以层屏蔽通讯电缆。这种新技术应用在泥石流研究工作中,要求能在100至1000公尺的远距离直接传递电容传感器参数的讯息。为此本文对激励电缆在远距离传递讯息时引起的测量误差,作一个微分的分析研究,从而导出实用的计算方法和应用的极限参数。这种新技术首先实际应用在我院水土保持系泥石流预报研究的土体水分动态远距离监测系统中,并收到了较好的效果。
In a research project conducted by the department of soil and water conservation, Beijing College of Forestry, it was considered necessary to telemeter the capacitive parameters directly in forecasting mud flow. The driving cable was used for this purpose to connect a capacitive transducer located at a distance of 100 to 1000 meters away.A differential analysis of measuring error caused by the driving cable while transmitting information at long distance was made in this paper.Details in method of calculation and limits for the parameters were shown. Application of this new technology to telemetering the change of soil water has brought about a satisfactory result.