作者测定了短柄枹栎、锐齿槲栎、扁果麻栎、北方麻栎、蒙古栎、白栎、栓皮栎、北京槲栎、麻栎、槲栎、辽东栎等11种树叶中的蛋白质、氨基酸、矿质元素和微量元素的含量,并在种间进行了比较,阐述了这些成分的含量与生长季节、生长地区、树种本身的关系,为探讨种间的化学分类提供部分数据。分析表明这些栎叶的蛋白质含量在9.8—17.9%之间,均含有18种氨基酸,但各种之间的含量差别很大,其中含量较高的氨基酸有天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丙氨酸、亮氨酸,苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸、精氨酸,含量较低的氨基酸有胱氨酸、蛋氨酸、组氨酸、色氨酸。在各种间氨基酸的组成和含量有共同的变化趋势,但个别氨基酸在种间有较大差别。 各种栎叶的矿质元素含量也有各自的范围,镁、磷在树种间含量较为近似,钙、钾、铁差异较大,钠和锰比其它科属的树叶含量均高,铜、锌含量最低仅有几个ppm。 槲树、槲栎、辽东栎等树叶均可食,而且是个好饲料。
Leaves of II Chinese oaks were analysed for their contents of proteins, amino-acids, mineral and trace element. They are. Quercus glandulifera var, brevipetiolata Nakai,Q. aliena var. acutesserrata Max,Q . acutissima var. depresselarpa H.W.Jeu et R. Q.Goo,Q.acutissima var.septetrionalis Liou, Q. mongolica Fisch, Q. fabri Hance, Q. variabilis Bl, Q. aliena var. pekingensis Schott, Q. acutissima Carruth, Q. dentata Thunb, Q. liaotungensis Koidz.The protein contents range from 9.8% to 17.9%. There are 18 amino-acids in all these leaves, but their contents vary greatly in amount so far as different kinds of acids and species are concerned with aspartic, glutamic, alanine, leucine, phenylalanine, lysine, arginine higher, and cystine, methionine, histidine, tryptophan and ammonia lower, in all the species.Of the mineral and trace elements, magnesium and phosphorus contents are quite similar in different species, but calcium, potassium and iron contents have greater differences among the species, sodium and manganese contents are distinctly higher if compared with those of other families orgenera. The lowest contents are shown by copper and zine.........only a fewppm.Quercues dentata Thunb, Q. aliena var. pekingensis Schott, Q, liao-tungensis Koidz etc are eatable and good fodder, for pig, oxen and sheep.