本文报告19例中老年人急性偏侧舞蹈症和3例偏侧投掷症,其中15例作了CT 检查,定位于患肢对侧的放射冠、尾状核、壳核、丘脑、丘脑底核或两处均累及,13例为低密度区,2例为高密度区,其病变范围较小。临床特点均为急性发病,明显的偏侧不自主动作,肌力多在Ⅲ级以上。该症对异丙嗪、安定等药反应良好。该症病程短、预后佳。
19 cases with hemichorea and 3cases with hemiballism in the elderlymen were reported in the article.CTscan performed in 15 cases,CT resultsshowed that the location of the lesionwas contralaterecl to the caudate,putamen,thalamus,and subthalamicnucleus,13 cases with lower density2 cases with highdensity the limit wassmall The features of clinical wereonset Suddly,marked hemichorea orhemiballism,but weekness was notserious or absent,promethazine,scopolamini Hydrobomidum andDiazepamum were effective to it TheCourse was Short,prognosis wasbenign.