

Applying Software Performance Engineering Method to Development of Interactive Software
摘要 在诸多交互式软件系统中,包括软件开发工具及基于万维网的工具,性能问题是至关重要的.然而在软件开发过程中,性能问题并未得到足够的重视.主要目的是展示一种有效方法,使得经过细致设计后交互式软件有满意的性能.展示如何应用软件性能工程方法于交互式软件工具开发中,特别注重在设计阶段的性能估算及其在决定实现方案时之效果.除了源于软件性能工程的严格的量化估算方法,提出性能亦可半量化或非量化方法进行有效而经济的估算.基于结果的描述,最终建议为源于软件性能工程方法学中苛求采用系统环境参数进行细化定量性能估算未必是惟一手段.演示了在软件工具开发早期阶段中一种用以评估性能的基于分析和实验的有效综合途经.希望能反映出了良好的实验计算机科学之本质. Performance issues are vital to the success of many interactive software systems, including software development tools and Web-based tools. However, the issue of performance engineering is still not emphasized in the process of software development. The key aim of this paper is to illustrate an effective method to achieve satisfactory performance for interactive software after careful design. This paper presents how to apply the software performance engineering (SPE) method by focusing on performance estimation at the design stage, and its effect on determining implementation approaches, in the development of interactive software tools. In addition to the rigid quantitative estimation method originated from SPE, this paper argues that the performance can also be cost-effectively estimated either semi-quantitatively or non-quantitatively. With the experience results described in this paper, it is suggested that it may not be compulsory to achieve direct quantitative performance estimation from environment specifications for every software development as advocated by the SPE method. This paper demonstrates a combination of analytical and experimental approaches to assessing the performance at early stages in development of software tools.
作者 杨耘 程家兴
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第10期1921-1932,共12页 Journal of Software
基金 This work is partly supported by the Ministry of Education of China under the Visiting Scholar Scheme in 2001.
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