For evaluating the importance
of oral maintenance dose of
Digoxin to treat the chronic congestive heart t failure because the
varied cardiac diseases,aprospective
study was performed in 25 patients
who have received and stopped the
drug with Out the change of the ad-
miniistration of the diuretic and/or
vasod-ilator The result showed that
19 of 20 patients who suffered from
the strial fibrillation was with hig-
her ventrical rate In 14 of these
patients with more severe heart fail-
ure'was found.
In 7 patients who suffered from
atrial fibriuation without the rapid
ventrical rate,only one of them rep-
eated the heart failure ofter stop
using Digoxin.with another group,23
of 25 patients who suffered from
the heart failure with sinus rhythmia
could be withdrawn safely without
severe hem odynamic variety and
deterioration of cardiac function
except 2 of such cases with the obvious
heart dilation.