肠系膜上动脉压迫症常伴胃、十二指肠溃疡,两病之间有一定关系,如不警惕易漏诊,进而导致治疗不当,使术后产生严重并发症。作者认为胃镜和X 线检查联合应用是避免漏诊的重要手段。毕Ⅱ式胃大部切除术〔Hofmeister 法〕加十二指肠空肠吻合、空肠空肠Roux—Y 吻合术,是两病同治的合理术式。本组5例病人手术后长时间随访疗效满意。
Superior mesenteirc artery comp-
ression is often companied with
ulcer of stomch and duodenum.
If don't notice the leak diagnosis
is ease,and proceed to treatment
will be unsuitable,so that the ser-
ious complications are Produced
after operation.Authors thought
the using of gastroscopy combined
with X-ray examinationis the best
diagnosis method to avoid misdia-
gnosis.Hofmeister combined with
the jejiunodudenostomy,Roux-Y
jejunojejunostomy is the best me-
thod of operation to treat both
diseases.In our group,the curative
effect was satisfaction with a long
time follow-up in post operation.