邓小平的革命观,是在和平与发展成为当今时代主题的背景下,对 1958 年以后社会主义建设的经验教训的历史反思,对毛泽东超越论的扬弃。它以科技生产力的革命为启动力,以公平与效益相统一原则为历史评价尺度,以创造性为思维趋向。
Deng Xiaoping’s view point of revolution is the historical self reflection on the experi ences and lessons in the socialist construction after 1958, the developm ent and discard of Mao Zedong’s theory oftranscendence under such open tim e and space background as peaceand developm enthave becom e the historicalsubjectofthe presentw orld. Ittakes the revolu tion ofscientific and technicalproductive forces as the starting force, the principle ofunity offair and benefit as the evaluating m easurem ent, the creativeness as the trend of thinking,and the principalcollectivism as the guidance of value.
Journal of Xi’an University(Social Sciences Edition)