文章介绍了贵州省地矿局在地勘单位属地化管理后 ,根据贵州社会经济发展状况和地矿局实际情况 ,推进地勘单位企业化改革的一些具体作法 ,诸如确立地质矿产勘查开发之主业地位、调整产业结构、培育核心产业和技术、加强基础管理工作、重视人才使用培养、推进三项制度改革、推进保障社会化和物业管理企业化等。
The paper introduces some specific methods for promoting the reform of enterprises involved in geological and prospecting work. It is suggested that these reforms should be structured according to social economic development patterns, and be based upon the situation in the Guizhou provincial geological and prospecting bureau, after it has been run by the local authorities. Reforms should include: establishing the industry positions for the development and prospecting of geological mineral resources; adjustments to the industrial structure; fostering the core industries and technologies; strengthening basic management practices; and finally, focusing attention on the use and continued development of talent.
China Geology & Mining Economics