该试验用ELISA和"病例-对照研究"方法,对四川、重庆共23个区县的养殖场和散养农户进行猪TTSuV感染的血清流行病学调查及危险性因素分析.试验共检测1 918头份猪血清,检出阳性血清341份,平均抗体阳性率为17.78%,其中种公猪的阳性率为32.5%,种母猪31.4%,育肥猪19.6%和仔猪11.2%.四川地区猪的阳性率为15.98%(17.37%~23.26%);重庆地区为20.05%(12.22%~30.00%).试验结果表明,在四川、重庆地区存在TTSuV感染.调查发现,川渝两地的地理条件和养殖规模因素与猪发生TTSuV感染的关联程度很小(地理条件:OR=1.08,95%CI=0.49-1.58;养殖规模:OR=1.04,95%CI=1.01-1.47).生产期长或年龄大的种公猪、种母猪和育肥猪发生TTSuV感染的危险性则分别是仔猪的3.8,3.6和1.9倍(种公猪:OR=3.8,95%CI=1.878-7.752;种母猪:OR=3.6,95%CI=2.153-6.110;育肥猪:OR=1.9,95%CI=1.443-2.586),种公猪、种母猪发生TTSuV感染的危险性分别是育肥猪的2.0和1.9倍(种公猪:OR=2.0,95%CI=1.004-3.887;种母猪:OR=1.9,95%CI=1.165-3.026),表明饲养期或年龄这一暴露因素与猪发生TTSuV感染的危险性有较强或中等程度的关联.
Seroprevalence of swine Torque Teno sus virus (T TSuV ) infection and risk factor analysis in Chongqing and Sichuan were performed with the methods of ELISA and case‐control study .A total of 1 , 918 swine serum samples were obtained from 23 counties with different topographic conditions and differ‐ent breeds style distributed in 2 provinces .All sera were tested for TTSuV antibodies by TTSuV‐IgG‐ELISA kit .Antibodies to TTSuV were detected in 341 (17.78% ) of 1 ,918 pigs sera ,and the prevalence of TTSuV infection were15.98% (171/1070) and 20.05% (170/848) in Sichuan and Chongqing ,respectively , of which the prevalence of TTSuV infection was 32.5% ,31.4% ,19.6% and 11.2% in boars ,sows ,fin‐ishing pigs and piglets ,respectively .A case‐control study carried‐out to identify herd level risk factors for TTSuV antibodies in pigs showed no significant association between the geographical location (mountain and hill areas) and seroprevalence of swine T TSuV infection (OR=1.08 ,95% CI=0.49-1.58) ,and be‐tween the breeds style and seroprevalence (OR=1.04 ,95% CI=1.01-1.47) ,respectively .The risk of T TSuV infection significantly increased in adult animals vs. piglets (boars OR=3.8 ,95% CI=1.878 -7.752 ;and sows OR=3.6 ,95% CI=2.153 -6.110) and finishing pigs (OR=1.9 ,95% CI=1.443 -2.586) ,as well as in boars and sows vs. finishing pigs (boars:OR=2.0 ,95% CI=1.004-3.887 ;sows :OR=1.9 ,95% CI=1.165-3.026) ,respectively .The above results demonstrated that swine TTSuV in‐fection w as present in Sichuan and Chongqing and that the age of the animal appeared to be the major risk factors of prevalence of swine T TSuV infection .
Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)