迷走神经对心血管活动通常呈现抑制性影响,但许多动物实验观察证实,迷走神经对心血管活动还具有兴奋性影响,当刺激迷走神经外周端时,可看到血压升高,或在刺激停止后出现短时期的窦性心动过速,Copen等称之为迷走后加速(Postvagal tachycardia,PVT)。关于这种迷走心血管兴奋效应的机理,目前有以下一些认识:①乙酰胆硷对心肌有直接兴奋作用,②迷走神经的胆硷能效应,③迷走神经通过乙酰胆硷转而引起儿茶性胺释放的肾上腺素能机制。迷走心兴奋作用可能与临床所见心绞痛在晚间发作有关,是值得进一步研究的问题。
Vagus stimulation used to exhibit inhibitory effects on cardiovascular activity,but animal experiments showed that vagus stimulation has exci- tatory effects as well.When a distal end of vagus nerve was stimulated, one could find rise of blood pressure.or sinus tachycardia for a brief ti- me affter cessation of stimulation which was called by Copen et al.as postvagal tachycardia(PVT).Recently,explanation concerning the mechanis mof such excitatory effect of vagus has been considered to be:1.that ACh can stimulate myocardium cells sdtrectly,2.the cholinergic effect of vag- us,or 3.the adrenergic effect initiated by the release of CAT mediated by ACh via vagus.It is worth-While to carry out further investigation on the excitatory effects of vagus which may be related to the attack of angina pectoris at night found in clinics.
Journal of Ningxia Medical University