This paper considers the robust stabilization problem of a class of nonlinear measure differential systems with delay.To eliminate the effect of nonlinear uncertainties on the stability of a closed loop system, a nonlinear controller is employed.In addition, to get the stability result of closed loop dynamics, two novel lemmas are proposed.In our approach, we do not require the assumption that the time varying delay variable γ(t) be restricted by (t)【1 , which is often required in many previous papers (e.g,see).
This paper considers the robust stabilization problem of a class of nonlinear measure differential systems with delay.To eliminate the effect of nonlinear uncertainties on the stability of a closed loop system, a nonlinear controller is employed.In addition, to get the stability result of closed loop dynamics, two novel lemmas are proposed.In our approach, we do not require the assumption that the time varying delay variable γ(t) be restricted by (t)<1 , which is often required in many previous papers (e.g,see).