本文着重分析了 2 0年来美国对外直接投资的行业结构和地区结构的特征和变化。研究表明 ,美国对外直接投资的空间结构相对稳定 ,即以欧洲等发达国家和地区为主 ;而行业结构变化明显 ,由以制造业为主转向以金融、保险和房地产业为主。对外直接投资的行业结构和地区结构是相互联系相互制约的 ,不同行业的比较优势与特定地区的区位优势相结合 ,才能产生投资效益。跨国公司对外投资区位的选择 ,是根据其投资战略并结合自身的竞争优势和东道国的区位优势 ,经过综合决策而确定的。
FDI behavior has been receiving growing attention in the world. FDI may be viewed as a typical spatial interaction process, which is not only determined by the attributes of origin (home) and destination (host), but also confined by spatial separation configurations. The origin and destination attributes are known as comparative advantages factors, location endowments, ownership endowment, and the internalization of multinational corporations. So the distribution of FDI should be analyzed in a comprehensive context. The changing distribution of U.S. FDI by regions and industries indicates that the spatial structure of U.S. FDI abroad, especially in Europe, Canada, Latin American, and Asia and Pacific Region, is relatively steady than that of the industries, which is transformed from the concentration on manufacture industries to finance, insurance and estate industries within the past two decades. Since FDI plays and a significant role in regional development, more efforts should be made by Chinese government to absorb much foreign investment, and on the other, to enlarge investment abroad, so as to promote China's economy to a new stage. Meanwhile, emphasis should be rested both upon the construction of networks between MNCs and local firms, and learning and innovative abilities of regions and firms should be strengthened simultaneously.
Economic Geography
foreign direct investment (FDI)
spatial structure
industrial structure