在《选举的困境》一书中,作者研究了"合法性"、"合法"、"正当"、"正统"、"资格"等中文符号所代表的一些概念,研究了 legitimacy、legality 等英文符号所代表的概念,也研究了这些概念之间的关系。在以后的两篇文章中,作者又研究了"中国共产党"这一实体概念与英文符号 Chinese Communist Party 之间的不对应。概念的清晰与冠名的恰当是所有严肃学科的基础之基础。所以,本文试图更进一步,帮助学界举一反三,厘清更多的关键概念和冠名符号。为此,本文从上述个案中发掘语言学、符号学、翻译学、传播学包括国际传播学方面的理论启示,在此基础上提出了概念细释与概念冠名的十个基本原则与一个引申原则,简称"十加一"原则。作者指出,追根穷源,"十加一"原则背后的一些基本思想,可以回溯到老子在《道德经》中表述的名实理论。作者也提出了一些新的例子,如中文符号"宣传",英文符号 propaganda,publicity,information 以及它们所代表的多种概念,来说明"十加一"原则在细释冠名、国际传播和翻译实践中的实际运用。
This article continues the author's work on concept explication and concept naming, started in Plight of Elections(2003).While Plight of Elections analyzed the concepts of legitimacy and legality and their symbols in Chinese and English,this article expands this work by proposing ten basic principles and one inferred principle,called ten-plus-one guidelines. The guidelines are to guide the scholars of various disciplines in their work to explicate and name the fundamental concepts.The author points out that the philosophical foundations of the ten- plus-one guidelines can be traced back to the theory of names and concepts discussed in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching.The author also used additional examples,such as the concepts of propaganda,pub- licity,information,and their Chinese and English symbols,to illustrate the guidelines' application in concept explication,concept naming,translation,international communication,and international public relations.
Journalism & Communication Review
Concept Explication
Concept Naming
ten-plus-one guidelines