本文探讨了媒介、特别是新媒介的拥有、接触和使用对人们的生活质量或生活满意度的影响。分析数据基于作者于2003年1月在北京市所做的"信息时代新媒体应用情况"调查。结果发现,拥有和使用互联网对人们的生活满意度具有负面影响,而拥有电话则有助于人们的生活满意度的提高;使用计算机和上网时间越长,人们的生活满意度越低;消遣性上网活动与负面的媒介使用感受相联系,而建设性上网活动则与正面的媒介使用感受相联系。由于媒介使用与人们的休闲方式密切相关,本研究还分析了不同的休闲方式与人们的生活满意度之间的关系,结果发现,群体活动型休闲活动与人们的生活满意度是正相关的。从本研究的结果看,大部分传统媒介和诸多新媒介,包括电视机、录像机、传真机、数码相机、摄像机、VCD/DVD/CD/MD/MP3、游戏机、有线电视、手机、BP 机等,人们对其拥有和使用情况,并不对人们的生活满意度有显著影响。总的说来,以互联网为代表的新媒介使用对生活满意度的解释能力是微弱的。对上述研究发现的社会意义,本文也做了相应的讨论。
This article discusses the relationship between the possession/use of new media and the quality of life.Based on a survey on the usage of new media in Beijing in January 2003,this study finds that the possession and use of the Internet is negatively related to the level of satisfaction of life ,while the possession of telephone is positively related to people's satisfaction of life.The longer a person use computer or the Internet,the lower is the level of his satisfaction of life.On the other hand,the recreational use of the Interact leads to the negative feeling of media use while vocational use of the Internet is related to the positive feeling of media use.Due to the close relationship be- tween media use and people's entertainment,this study also investigates the relationship between the style of entertainment and people's satisfaction of life.It is found that the participation of group en- tertainment is positively related to people's satisfaction of life.However,at least based on the current study,the possessions and uses of many traditional and new media,including TV,video recorder,fax machine,digital camera,digital video camera,VCD/DVD/CD/MD/MP3,game player,cable TV,mo- bile phone and pager etc.,are not related to people's satisfaction of life.Generally speaking,the use of new media,including the Internet,only explains weakly about the satisfaction of life.The social implications of these findings are also discussed.
Journalism & Communication Review