
从文本自动构建OWL本体的研究 被引量:1

Automatic build OWL ontology from the text of
摘要 随着语义检索的发展,近年来涌现了许多基于本体的研究和应用,但本体本身仍离不开领域专家手工或半自动化的构建,成为了本体研究领域的一个瓶颈。因此,本文着眼于本体的自动化构建,提出了一种用FCA(形式概念分析)从文本中提取并自动生成符合W3C标准的OWL通用本体库的方法。解决了目前本体构建自动化程度低,领域依赖性强的问题,使得本体的发展和应用不再是空中楼阁。 With the development of the semantic retrieval in recent years have emerged a number of research and application based on ontology,but the body itself is still inseparable from the experts in the fi eld manual or semi-automated building,has become a bottleneck in the fi eld of ontology research.Therefore,this article focuses on the automation of ontology construction,proposed a way to use FCA(Formal Concept Analysis) to extract from the text and automatically generate consistent with W3C standard OWL ontology library common approach.To solve the current low level of ontology build automation,fi eld dependence problems that prevent the development and application of ontology is no longer a castle in the air.
作者 蔡荣彦
出处 《信息与电脑(理论版)》 2010年第2期39-41,43,共4页 China Computer & Communication
关键词 本体 形式概念分析 本体描述语言 ontology formal concept analysis ontology description language
  • 相关文献



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